Grey Fox

I went to jail on Thursday. Only for a visit you understand, not to pay my debt to society. I went to Downview prison, in Surrey England, to see the work of the Addictive Diseases Trust. This is a charity formed to treat prisoners who suffer from drug and alcohol abuse.

Wait a minute, you say, aren't these guys being mollycoddled enough? Why should they receive special treatment for a problem that is self inflicted?

The reasons are simple. Over 50% of crime in the UK is drug related. Addicts must steal goods, to some five times the value of the money required, to buy drugs to feed their habit.

When stealing they are already under the influence of drugs. They will often use violence to achieve their aim of raising the cash. The vicious cycle comes to temporary halt when they are caught and imprisoned. But drug use is common in prison and some prisoners are introduced to drugs in jail, through either coercion or boredom.

What ADT does is address the problem from within. It takes advantage of the incarceration of the prisoners to give them a better opportunity to give up drugs for ever than if they were at liberty.

It also uses, in the most powerful way, prisoners who have undergone the treatment to act as councilors to others. Not only do they lead by example, they increase the number of prisoners that can be treated at any time thus accelerating the process. There is a considerable waiting list for the course from Downview and other prisons.

These peer councilors become trained and are thus able to perform a worthwhile job to in the community when they are released.

The immediate target at Downview is to create a drug free prison. This will only be achieved by the combined will of the inmates. This target is in sight and should be achieved shortly.

ADT wants others to replicate the methods that are proving succesful at Downview in other prisons so that this massive social problem can be eased.

ADT can be contacted on 44171 828 3498

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